How to stay productive in Lockdown

With everything that’s going on with the whole country being on lockdown, its easy to get swept up and feel a bit lost. During lockdown I have personally tried to be as productive as I can and although it can be hard as there is a lot going on and a lot to worry about, accomplishing a few tasks can make you feel a lot better.

Even though it is good to be productive, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. if you don’t accomplish something every day that’s okay and if you do that’s okay too.

Lockdown challenges us all in different ways but here are some things that could keep you busy (if you want to that is)

  • go on an outdoor walk, even if its just for 20 minutes, getting out is so good for your physical and mental health
  •  read more books
  • learn a new language, the duolingo app is really good
  • home workouts
  • practice different makeup looks
  • watch some Netflix series/movies
  • clean/sort out your room
  • play animal crossing (I am hooked! well have been since wild world, but new horizons has taken it to a whole new level)

I have found having a routine really helps and it helps for the day to go quicker, in order to set a routine I use an app called ‘Actions’ which is like a to-do list (but you can also make a physical to do list or use notes on your phone). Using this app, I give myself daily tasks which helps me to stay active/focused and helps the day go quicker too. It’s not compulsory to complete all tasks and if I don’t they roll over to the next day, so there isn’t much pressure.

With everything being how it is at the moment keeping a routine allows me to keep some structure in my life.

An example of my daily routine would be the following:

wake up – affirmations – have a coffee and play animal crossing – do some home workouts – have breakfast – shower – go for a walk – have lunch – study – play animal crossing – have dinner – watch Netflix – read my book & journal – bed.

My daily routine varies from day to day and I will squeeze a face mask in now and again but I have found since following it, I feel a lot better within myself and accomplished.

Using my daily affirmations really help me to keep a positive outlook each day, the ones I find the most helpful ones are the everyday happiness, everyday confidence, everyday mindfulness and my affirmators cards.

What’ve you gotten up to during lockdown?

Stay safe, Jess x